Meteor in Tanzania

 Meteor Attraction continue increasing revenue By Rabi Hume on September 7, 2016 News 
The government continues to declare existing Meteor Mbozi District in Mbeya Region as important and rare attraction in the country and the world in general.That has been said by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Engineer Ramo Kamani in Dodoma today as he answered the question of MP Vwawa Hon. Japhet Hasungu involving Government initiative in encouraging domestic tourists to come check out the comet.Deputy Minister said that the Government has continued to encourage to declare the comet using various means including television shows and copies of various publications."This mobilization has been carried out using different methods inside and outside the country including TV programs of ZAMADAMU and tourism in and use literature Tanzania's" The land of great Heritage Sites "and" Tanzania Cultural Heritage Resources "where the copies are distributed in various exhibitions and our Ambassador with the journal "Know the Department of antiquities" "the journal of Natural Resources," explained the deputy minister.Moreover, Engineer Kamani added that these efforts limepelekea increase in the number of tourists and revenue is between the 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 tourists increased from 990 to 1,681 with an income increase from Shs 811,000 to 2,426,00.In addition to this, Mr Kamani urged Mbozi District Council and other stakeholders to improve the environment and infrastructure emerging area of ​​the flame in order to exceed attract many tourists and increase GDP.The meteor's going to put Tanzania on the world map in terms of tourism which is trusted to be among the eight major world meteors estimated to weigh 12 tons, a length of 3.3 meters, width of 1.63 meters and height of 1.22 meters.


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